Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Street Stops Here

   In one of the most motivational documentaries I have ever seen, The Street Stops Here follows St. Anthony High School in their pursuit of basketball excellence under the guidance of the greatest high school coach of all time.  Bob Hurley has been the head boys' basketball coach at the north Jersey high school since the 1970s and this documentary shows how he stresses being good people rather than just being good basketball players.  His teams work together like efficient machines because his discipline is unprecedented in high school sports.  As a model for all urban (and non-urban) coaches, Hurley is as legendary a person as you will ever see in youth athletics.   The opening scene in the gym is enough to make this movie worth watching.

THIS NETFLIX INSTANT FILM IS EXPIRING ON JULY 15th, so catch up with it now. 

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